Monday, October 12, 2009


This is a perfect quote...see previuos post : )

"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow- that is patience"



I do NOT like the off-season! I am getting so antsy to be on a workout schedule again. Right now Ryan, Val (in house training partner), and I are just kinda working out when we want and doing what we want, waiting for our IM LP training to start. Our days are often…

“Hmmm do you feel like running today? Nope. Let’s bike! Or should we just do yoga? What about a mtn bike ride?”

Some may feel this is great to be on your own schedule and do what you want, and it is great sometimes but I’m not settled when I don’t have a workout schedule to stick to. Watching the Ironman World Championships in Kona on Saturday definitely did not help. I was so jealous of all the athletes there, not necessarily because they were racing the best Tri on earth but because they were just plain racing! (Congrats to all who competed in the race on Saturday, what an amazing race!!)

So obviously I am so ready for LP training to start! This will, hopefully, be November 16th. Yes, I have the exact date. I plan to start scheduled training, 36 weeks from IM LP. However, November 16th seems SO far away.

So what should I do? Does anyone have a good base training plan that I could follow? Or should I just take the time off and go insane? HA!

Suggestions please!!!

Next year I plan to do IM AZ thus I will still be happily training at this time next year. So I'm hoping this is the only year I will have this stir-crazy feeling. We'll see.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Adventures

I have finally expanded my horizons! In more than one way too! Like most people I get stuck in a rut of every day living; workout, work, workout, sleep, repeat. However lately I have come out of my shell and have done so many new things that I have never had the courage or confidence to do before! Group rides, group runs, masters swimming, and even yoga (thanks Lindsey!).

I am proud to say that I have finally taken the initiative to build my confidence up and get out there and work out with other people. I know this sounds silly but truly I have never had the confidence in my abilities to work out with others. I always feel that I’m going to be holding people up, that they’re going to have to slow down for me, or that I’m going to embarrass myself...well ya know what, I don’t care anymore. Yea I may be slowing some people down but this isn’t always the case, and if they are true friends they won’t mind slowing down once in a while.

It’s the real world! Sometimes you’re better than someone, sometimes you’re not. But putting yourself out there and throwing caution to the wind can really make you a better person and in my case, a better athlete. I may not be the fastest, but I have the desire to be, thus I want to work harder and harder until I can catch those people faster than me.

I think everyone could use a little boost of confidence now and again. My small, but ever growing, confidence comes from my friends and family but particularly from my good friend Rich Burgunder. Rich is this AMAZING runner/athlete, he is one of those people that have faith in everyone and everything. He is the first to compliment someone on a race or milestone reached, he is the first to wish someone good luck at whatever event it may be no matter the distance, he’s the first to give some good advice and confidence prior to an event and he’s the first to sympathize when you didn’t do as well as you were hoping! I think we all need to take a lesson from him. I think we should all be as complimentary to each other as Rich is to everyone he knows, or he doesn’t know for that matter. Honestly, without his little boosts of confidence I would not be the athlete or person I am today. So it does make a difference.

Thus, on to my soap box I climb; make that extra effort for someone else, give someone a little boost of confidence, you never know how much it could really help.

Rich and I, after the VA Beach Duathlon.