Monday, July 27, 2009


Good grief I'm bad at keeping up with this sometimes. However, I have good reasons...sorta. Insufficient reason #1 I didn't have much to write about and insufficient reason #2 I am unemployed and have been busy looking for a job...sorta.

So in early June I got laid off from the worst job known to man kind. I liken it to a year and a half long hangover, yes that bad. But getting laid off has been the best thing for me, "a blessing in disguise" as my mom would say. I wouldn't have left the job due to the poor economy and would had been miserable for who knows how long, thus I'm happily taking this time off (sorta) and really focusing on things that I love, like training! 

Training has been fantastic! I'm really putting my all into it and finally seeing some results. The workouts are definitely not easy, but ironmans aren't easy. And they definitely take up a lot of time, however lucky for me, time is one thing I do have. 

Finally I am putting in those 20 hour workout weeks I should be. I think the biggest improvement has been the bike. Saturday I rode 86 miles at a very very good pace...sorta, well for me anyway, and I'm itching to get out there more and push it to see what I'm capable of. However, is this really a good idea, pushing the limits, when Ironman Wisconsin is only 6 weeks away??

I'm aching so badly to improve my pitiful IM time from the Great Floridian and know I can but I'm afraid of pushing too hard and "bonking" during the race. Thus when do you know when you are at your true limits before it's too late? 

I think I have just written the longest definition of a procrastinator. Too bad it took me getting laid off to really start getting into this training and unfortunately I'm paying the price of not knowing my strengths and weaknesses in time to really do great at IM WI. I know in the end I will do the best I can and that's all I can do for now, but damn, do I have to be such a procrastinator?

Well I will get my third chance at the IM distance next year at Lake Placid. I was in shock that I was actually able to get into the race and now I'm so excited...sorta. It's well known IM Lake Placid is one of the hardest courses and has a decent that will make me wet my pants, but I really am looking forward to the challenge of monster that is called "Papa Bear"...sorta.
