Friday, May 1, 2009

Shower, shower, shower...

Wake up, shower, work, train at lunch, shower, back to work, train, shower…see the pattern. That’s a lot of showers. I take, at absolute minimum, three showers a day! I don’t know if my hair or skin can take it anymore. My skin is always dry, but I have lotion so no big deal, but my poor hair; it’s starting to get all dry and brittle and fall out! YIKES! I’m going bald because of exercise…interesting. And the damage that chlorine does to hair alone is just cruel but add on three showers, yea I repeat, my poor hair. There must be a solution that will not compromise working out but doesn’t cause immeasurable harm to my hair. I know there are tons of you out there with the same problem, so what’s the solution? I was told that if I didn’t shampoo in all three showers that would improve the health of my hair, but is that true? Or will I just have to live with the fact that my hair will be crap for entire seasons’ worth of training? Ideas?


Kami said...

someone told me that if you get your hair wet before you put your swim cap on... it won't absorb as much of the chlorinated water and it won't get as damaged. also, after swimming I bought a like all-in-one baby hair and body wash... I know it sounds silly but it's really mild and it does the job of getting rid of the chlorine smell after being in the pool when lets face it you don't need a "tougher" body wash like after running/biking :) mine's 2 weeks from today! yikes!

Erin Cummings-Kirchhoff said...

Hmmm I will definitely try the baby shampoo/body wash, I'm getting so desperate with this. Oh YAY you're doing your first tri, how exciting! Good luck and kick some butt!