Monday, October 12, 2009


I do NOT like the off-season! I am getting so antsy to be on a workout schedule again. Right now Ryan, Val (in house training partner), and I are just kinda working out when we want and doing what we want, waiting for our IM LP training to start. Our days are often…

“Hmmm do you feel like running today? Nope. Let’s bike! Or should we just do yoga? What about a mtn bike ride?”

Some may feel this is great to be on your own schedule and do what you want, and it is great sometimes but I’m not settled when I don’t have a workout schedule to stick to. Watching the Ironman World Championships in Kona on Saturday definitely did not help. I was so jealous of all the athletes there, not necessarily because they were racing the best Tri on earth but because they were just plain racing! (Congrats to all who competed in the race on Saturday, what an amazing race!!)

So obviously I am so ready for LP training to start! This will, hopefully, be November 16th. Yes, I have the exact date. I plan to start scheduled training, 36 weeks from IM LP. However, November 16th seems SO far away.

So what should I do? Does anyone have a good base training plan that I could follow? Or should I just take the time off and go insane? HA!

Suggestions please!!!

Next year I plan to do IM AZ thus I will still be happily training at this time next year. So I'm hoping this is the only year I will have this stir-crazy feeling. We'll see.

1 comment:

Endurance101 said...

Don't you worry, you'll be killing yourself soon enough, your body needs rest for all that too to prevent burn out.
Yoga and strength training is a great way to mix things up, make sure if you use weights you do light weights and more reps and do things that are related to what you may do in an Ironman, like lunges for example to make your legs stronger and so on.
Don't worry about training with people who are faster than you or stronger or whatever it's only going to benefit you in the end, you want to workout with people like that it's how you get faster.
By the way I'm really happy and proud to see you doing all these Ironmans (not to mention jealous) I think its really hardcore.